Sunday, September 23, 2018

1&2. After one of our lessons with Anji this week.
3,4,&5. Bridge in the Makoi area from exchanges this week.
6. First time wearing pant in 1.5 years
7&8. The Gounder family. The first one I set the timer and then, after it was too late, I realized there was nowhere to sit down haha! 
9. Uma and Sunil are taking self-reliance class right now and just started up there own business. They sell Indian sweets from home and already made over 10 dollars their first week!
10. Sister Maivanualala(the fijian) just found out they got her visa and so she will be flying to Zimbabwe this week/ She is so excited! 
11. This is our new chapel in Nausori!! It's so nice! 
12. Had to take a picture because this is the greatest example of how fertile Fiji's soil is! These fence post that were just stuck into the ground are now turning into a tree. Farming in Fiji honest consists of just sticking sticks into the ground and waiting for them to grow into food.

Love you guys! Sorry not much time today so I thought I'd just send some pictures from the week because I wasn't able to last week! Life is good! Rishap, Shidhant, and Michael are looking forward to their baptisms this week! I'll keep you guys updated! Have a great week:)

Elder Hess


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