Sunday, May 27, 2018

ई हफ़्ता

Sonu got confirmed yesterday! We were nervous we were going to be late because we were coming from Navatuyaba ward and only had a few minutes before Naulu ward started, but we said a prayer and then when we got there we saw Sonu same time getting out of a taxi with the Rakatia family who gave him a ride. He had on a new white shirt he had bought the day prior, and a new tie. It was all perfect timing and we were so happy and thankful. Throughout church Sonu kept taking my namebadge and putting it over the pocket on his shirt and just saying,"This will be me soon." Love him so much!

We were able to be a part of some really good lessons and to be able to really see the hand of the Lord in the work this week! The picture below of us with all the fijian family is right after our lesson on Wednesday night with Josefa and Timoci! They are so humble and prepared and we are really excited for their baptism coming up this next week on the 9th! It has been a long road, but to be able to witness them at this landmark in their life is a really special opportunity! Woohoo! 

We also had MLC this week which was really awesome! We went to the temple together as a group the night before and it was such a big uplift to me personally. I love the temple so much and it's such a blessing when we are able to go inside. It reminded me of the promises shared in the dedicatory prayer of the Kirtland Temple from Doctrine and Covenants 109:22-23. 

Me and Elder Lee Chip Sao have been practicing our sanskrit recently! It's really fun to learn with each other. The whiteboard written in sanscrit is from our weekly planning this week. We have started doing it in sanscrit for language practice.

I love you all and am so grateful for the love. I love this work! I know God lives! Have a great week:)


Elda Hess

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