Sunday, January 21, 2018

Birthday in Fiji January 21, 2018

This week was really good! Bobby and Sharmila both got baptized and confirmed this week and it was so awesome! I don't have a lot of time today, but one cool little story I'll share! After the baptism there was a Korean pastor from another church down in the area near Bobby's house. Well Bobby was just sitting around and this guys comes by and starts telling him his negative thoughts of of the church and how they have made a huge mistake! Well we stopped by a couple minutes after this all went down and Bobby shared such a strong testimony with us. One of the highlights of my mission!! "He thinks this is a man's church. I feel sad he doesn't know like I know that this is Christ's church on the earth today!! He should come to church with us so he can see for himself" Ahh he is so great! 

Hindi class this week was great! We have another 12 or more there! Unfortunately some left before I took the picture! But I'll send you the picture from this week too like last week! Birthday in Fiji

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