This week started off rough! It's the cold season and everyone has been getting sick, and it hit me hard on Tuesday! We went to the doctor and they gave me some meds to take, but I'm pretty sure it was just vitamins haha. It got so bad we weren't able to leave the flat for 3 days. That was so hard! But I'm alive with a new appreciation of the ability to eat solid foods!
Last pday we went on a hike that was pretty fun! It had a way good view at the top! If I have time and these computers let me I'll send some pics of it!
Oh something way crazy happened this week! We were in a lesson with one of our investigators, and in the middle of the lesson an old white guy called from the front yard and so we invited him and his 2 friends in! Turns out they were Jehovah's Witnesses haha! They almost died when they realized who we were! It was so funny! Long story short we let them share their message. Even though both these guys were well over 50 years old they were so nervous. While they were talking I remember having such a peace come over me. Although they shared a good message about Jesus Christ I know that our message is the full truth. It was a really strange but also amazing and uplifting experience for me. And while sharing what we believe I felt so confident and it was just great :) Then they left and we carried on with our lesson and actually set a baptismal date with our investigator! Definitely a memorable lesson haha!
We had a way spiritual experience in a lesson with Anya this week. She opened up to us about her desire to prepare to meet God and she accepted to be baptized. As of 3 weeks ago I never thought that would be possible because she comes from a strong Muslim background! I am so excited for her! And I am very grateful for the Spirit to help soften the hearts of people!
This was 2 weeks ago but I forgot to write it! So on the 4th of July we were so excited to celebrate with some sparklers that were left in the flat! We got them out as a district and lit one! It was just smoking though! We were confused until we realized that it wasn't sparklers. It was a stick of incense hindu's use while they pray! That was a huge let down hahaha!
Zone Conference starts tomorrow and I am really excited! I'll finally be able to meet President and Sister Higgins!
Dang I feel so lame because my emails are super random and weird haha.
I love you all!! Have a great week!
1. Massive bull we had to move out of the trail
2. Soccer Sam
3. This spider was massive
4. Brother Naidu and I have a new connection once I saw this picture
5. This is the bathroom in the doctor's office
6. Pretty pic of Fiji
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