Hello I am still alive and feeling super good! This week was great. We are really increasing the information that we get thrown at us everyday, but it's all good! I'm just trying to take in as much as possible.
The MTC is a pretty amazing place. I love it here. Although recently I have heard lots about Fiji and you could say I'm also really, really, really excited to get out of here. haha
The language is coming good. I feel like I'm learning something new everyday even if it is something small.
Elder Miva and Larsen left this week to the Marshall Islands and Florida and it was hard to see them go. They were both outstanding people and missionaries. They were here 3 weeks before my whole group came in they were the only two in the zone haha! They were our zone leaders when we got here and really helped us get adjusted for the first little bit.

So on Sunday me and Elder Aisa got called as Zone Leaders. We are excited!
FUN FACT: I am the youngest one in my entire zone by over a year!! Elders and Sisters hahaha. There are a couple missionaries that have younger siblings that are older than me!
I have grown really close with everyone here. They are all such great people and I am super excited for what good they can all do in the next two years and also just in life.
On Tuesday we had Elder Nielson of the Seventy come speak with us. He was great. He brought such a great spirit! He asked the question,"Are you sleeping through the Restoration?" He explained that the restorations is an ongoing thing. The gospel wasn't only just restored back in 1800's, it is being restored right now. I really helped me realize that this is the hastening of the work. We were meant to come to the earth at this time and I want to be able to look at my Heavenly Father after I die and tell him that I gave my whole heart the this cause. I look forward to the devotionals so much here! They are all so good!!
I love you all and love hearing how you're all doing!
Email me and tell me how things are!
I miss all of you, but also I am very happy. The Lord has been blessing me so much these past couple weeks and I am so grateful for it.
Au Lomani Kemuni Kece.
Moce Toka Itokani
Ps. The picture of the name tags is our district. Out of the 9 elders we have 7 different languages!! haha so flipping cool!
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